Ultimate Guide to Office Workstation Benching

Ultimate Guide to Office Workstation Benching

Ultimate Guide to Office Workstation Benching

Ultimate Guide to Office Workstation Benching

One of the trends in the office in recent years is the bench system, it is best for large open spaces and is ideal for companies running desk sharing. They provide a functional, flexible, and versatile workspace suitable for the modern office, all while sporting clean lines and clutter-free spaces.  In this article, we will illustrate the basic knowledge of office workstation benching.


What is Bench Desk?


An office workstation bench is a tabletop system that connects two or more freestanding desks to create longer desks, using the same frame and center leg as support for multiple desks. Bench desk systems are used to meet your space and cost requirements.




How to choose the right bench desk?



Color is crucial because it represents your brand. White benches are very popular as they present a clean, functional and fresh office feel. In addition to this, there are also a variety of frames, styles, sizes, and colors on the market.



The amount of storage for your office work benches will depend on employees' storage needs. Make sure you have enough space for cable storage, as well as keel trunking accessories and wire


boxes, which help protect cables and keep the space tidy.


 Positioning of the desks

Most modern offices have limited space and benching can help to save space. Also, 4-person back-to-back desk units require six legs, instead of eight, per set of desks, making them a more practical and cost-effective option.


What are the benefits of benching


 Space Saving

Bench desks are used for saving space but also for collaboration, as it allows more than one employee to sit at the same desk. With a bench system, you don't need a compartment for each employee and can accommodate more employees in a smaller space.



Workbench systems can help employees collaborate with each other easily. If a group of employees are working together on a project, they can be close to each other in a bench system. This not only saves space but also allows work-based collaborations and discussions to happen much more effectively.


 Promote your brand

Bench desks come in a variety of styles, sizes, and colors. Attractive desks provide a favorable impression to visitors, improving the image of the office.




As we mentioned above, these office workstation benching are flexible, versatile, and useful pieces of office furniture. Xinda Clover Benching is designed to balance the open and private space in your office. Stock is possible based on the flexible and common combination. More color selections to upgrade your office styles. Contact us for more details!